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Country Information: Health


Country Health Profiles – Pan American Health Organization  Data and analysis on health and related sociological factors in the nations of the Americas.

Cultural Comptency Briefs.  Provides overviews of health beliefs and practices by ethnicity and religion. Find them in the MU database, Proquest Nursing and Allied Health. Use the Browse link at the top of the page. Select Competency and Training Resource and then Cultural Competency Briefs.

Demographic and Health Surveys  Developed by the U.S. Agency for International Development, the site provides reports on 87 underdeveloped nations that discuss topics such as: household and respondent characteristics, fertility, family planning, maternal and child health, nutrition, and HIV/AIDS. 

DOLPHN: Data Online for Population, Health, and Nutrition  “Is an online statistical data resource of selected demographic and health indicators gathered from various sources for several countries of the world.” 

Ethnomed  "Contains information about cultural beliefs, medical issues, and other related issues pertinent to the health care of recent immigrants to Seattle or the United States, many of whom are refugees fleeing war-torn parts of the world.” 

Global Health  Provides public health information on public health issues by region.  “Global data on HIV/AIDS, TB, Malaria, and more.” 

World Health Organization Country Reports  Worldwide profiles of current health conditions 

World Health Organization Statistical Information System  “Presents the most recent and comprehensive health data on all 193 WHO Member states.” 

World Health Report  A yearly assessment of global health with statistics for each country.