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New / Trial Databases

The following databases are newly acquired or being evaluated for a future subscription.
The Journal of Black Psychology (JBP) presents a peer-reviewed, empirical, theoretical, and methodological research on the behavior and experiences of Black and other populations from Black or Afrocentric perspectives. Full-text access range:
from vol 1 issue 1 1974 August to the present.

Journal of Black Psychology is also accessible (abstract-level access only) in the Black Studies Center database.
The go-to resource for writers of research papers and anyone citing sources is now available online through institutional subscriptions. MLA Handbook Plus includes the full text of the ninth edition of the handbook, the second editions of both the MLA Guide to Digital Literacy and the MLA Guide to Undergraduate Research in Literature, as well as video courses.
Offers suggestions for career paths for major fields of study. Hosted by University of Tennessee.