Faith is the first factor in a life devoted to service. Without it, nothing is possible.
With it, nothing is impossible. ~Mary McLeod Bethune
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Photo Credit:
A black and white image of an original signed autograph portrait of Mary McLeod Bethune. Bethune is standing next to an oversized chair and is wearing a long black dress with a long string of pearls. Her right hand is resting on the arm of the chair. The original autographed portrait had been signed by Mary McLeod Bethune and reads, "To Mary with Love, Mary McLeod Bethune." The signature of the photographer of the original image is also on the front of the picture. The image is printed on Kodak Royal paper.
A black and white picture of an original portrait painting done of Mary McLeod Bethune. She is sitting on a chair, and is leaning with her right hand under her chin. Her left hand rests in her lap, and she is wearing a ring on her left ring finger and wrist watch. She is dressed in a long-sleeved dress. On the back of the image is written, "Mrs. Bethune 1915; Bethune-Cookman College." The photographer's stamp is also on the back of the photograph.
A black and white portrait Mary McLeod Bethune. The portrait consists of her head and shoulders. The photograph is of her profile. She is wearing a dark shirt and a white tie with a bead or pearl around her neck. On the back of the image is written in pencil, "Pres. Bethune Release no. 4, file no. 1.; 1910 approx." The photographer of the image is unknown.
A black and white portrait of Mary McLeod Bethune, president-emeritus of Bethune-Cookman University. This photo was taken when Bethune was very young, most likely in the early 1900s. She is wearing a dress which is made of both cloth and lace, with a button-up skirt. Her left hand is placed in her lap, and a ring can be seen on her left ring finger. Her right hand is resting on a book, which is sitting on a table. She is sitting on an ornately carved chair. She is wearing a pin on her shirt. On the back of the image is written, "1895-1910; Dr. Bethune as a young woman abt 30-35 years old." The photographer of the image is unknown.
A color photograph of Mary McLeod Bethune and Eleanor Roosevelt walking with other women and Patricia Bethune. Mary McLeod Bethune can be seen at the left of the image, wearing a large hat and a three-button suit and skirt. Eleanor Roosevelt is directly to the right, wearing a white hat and a brown dress. Patricia Bethune, Mrs. Bethune's great-granddaughter, can be seen in the foreground of the image. Behind Bethune and Roosevelt follows a group of women. On the back of the image is written, "Mrs. Bethune, Mrs. Roosevelt, g. granddaughter Patricia Bethune, 1952." The photographer of the image is unknown.
A black and white image of the entire student body and staff posing on the steps in front of McLeod Hospital. At the top of the image, the front porch, plants, and front door of the hospital is visible. Standing at the top of the stairs are the eldest students, African American women and men who are wearing the school uniforms at the time. The women are wearing white dresses and large bows in their hair. The men are wearing suits. Standing at the bottom of the stairs are the youngest school children, boys and girls who are also wearing the school uniforms. At the left of the image is a standing group of five African American men and women. Mary McLeod Bethune is the fifth person from the left in this small group. She is wearing a white dress and is standing to the left of a potted plant. At the farthest right of the image is Frances Reynolds Keyser, who is standing underneath a tree behind a female student. She was the founder of Keyser Elementary School. This photograph is a reprint of an original image. Written on the back of the photograph is, "Mary McLeod Bethune, her teaching staff, and the students of her co-educational Daytona Beach School pose on the steps of Faith Hall. Credit: Carl Swisher Library, Bethune-Cookman College." The photographer of the image is unknown.
A black and white image of members of the National Council of Negro Women posing with Mary McLeod Bethune on the steps of Harrison Rhodes Hall at Bethune-Cookman's campus. Mrs. Bethune is standing in the center of the photograph, first row. She is wearing a checkered suit jacket and skirt, and is holding a rolled-up piece of paper in her hand. The remaining women standing with her are unknown. They are wearing suit jackets or dresses, and are holding handbags. A student can be seen exiting through the building's front door. Behind them is a sign which reads, "Welcome." The photographer of the image is unknown.
A black and white image of African American men and women posing on the steps of Thomas White Hall. The brick exterior and columned entrance can be seen around them. The photo is of the two-year graduating college class of 1930, consisting of six women and eight men. They are wearing academic robes, graduation caps, and tassels. In the first row, center, is President Mary McLeod Bethune, also wearing academic robes, a cap, and tassel. A woman in matching skirt and jacket is standing at the far left with a purse. At the time this photo was taken, Bethune-Cookman University was a junior college. On the back of the photo is the stamp of the photographer.
A black and white image of First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt, left, Madam Pandit (Indian Ambassador to the United States), center, and Mary McLeod Bethune, right. They are all wearing dark-colored dress, and Bethune and Roosevelt are wearing pearl necklaces. They are sitting next to each other in front of a curtain. The image was printed on the back of a postcard advertising, "The Bethune-Cookman College Mary McLeod Bethune Fine Arts Center invites you to the reception of 'Bethune-Cookman College Celebrates Black History with the Portraits of Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune'; Reception January 18, 1998, Mary McLeod Bethune Fine Arts Center, 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm; January 18, 1998 - February 23, 1998, Harvey W. Lee, Jr. Memorial Gallery, Museum Hours Monday - Friday 10:00-12:00 Noon - 1:00 - 4:00 pm." The photographer of the image is unknown.
A black and white photo of Mary McLeod Bethune standing in front an unknown building, next to a column. She is wearing a pearl necklace, a dress that ties at the waste, and heeled shoes. She is leaning on a cane with her right hand, with her left arm behind her back. On the back of the image is written in pencil, "Dr. Bethune mid 1920s." The photographer of the image is unknown.
A black and white portrait of Mary McLeod Bethune which includes her head and shoulders. She is wearing a two-strand pearl necklace and a large broach on the front of her dark dress. On the front of the image is embossed, "Shelburne, N.Y." Also written on the front in ink is "Mrs. Bethune - 1934."
A black and white image of Mary McLeod in her sitting room in her home. Mary McLeod Bethune is sitting on an arm chair. She is wearing a long-sleeved dress, and is leaning to her left, tuning her radio. A magazine rack is attached to the radio stand. There is an open book on her lap. At the left of the image is an end table with two books stacked on it, also with a lamp and lampshade. On the back of the image is written in pencil, "Mrs. Bethune in her sitting room, 1950." The photographer of the image is unknown.
A black and white image of Mary McLeod Bethune posing in her yard. This is reportedly the last known image of her. She is standing with her hands by her sides, and is wearing a white dress and white shoes. Behind her can be seen trees, and to the left, in the background, a white house (not hers). On the back of the image is written in pencil, "Mrs. Bethune in her yard, 1955." The photographer of the image is unknown.
A black and white portrait of Mary McLeod Bethune. She is seated on a chair with an open book in her lap. A ring can be seen on her left-hand ring finger. She is wearing a white dress and an overcoat that ties at the waist. She is wearing a three-strand pearl necklace and pearl earrings. On the back of the image is the photographer's stamp which includes address and phone number. A piece of paper that reads, "Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune - 1939" is also on the back.
A black and white image of Mary McLeod Bethune standing in front of Robert Burns' birthplace in Alloway, Scotland. The house and its thatched roof can be seen behind her. A concrete fixture and a sign can be seen to the left of her. Mary McLeod Bethune is wearing a hat, scarf, dress, overcoat, stockings, and is holding her purse in her left arm. Her right arm is behind her back. On the back of the photograph is written, "At Robert Burns birthplace ayr. Scotland, 1924." The photographer of the image is unknown.
A black and white image of Mary McLeod Bethune, left, and Mary Church Terrell, right. Mary Church Terrell was a writer and an internationally known civil and women's rights activist. She was the first black woman to serve on the Washington, D.C. Board of Education and was the first president of the National Association of Colored Women's Clubs. She was also a founding member of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). In this image, Mary McLeod Bethune can be seen shaking Mrs. Terrell's hand. Mrs. Bethune is wearing a dark colored dress and is holding a piece of paper in her left hand. Mrs. Terrell is on the right, and is wearing a dress and a corsage. In front of them is a microphone, and in the background can be seen an unidentified woman and a chair. On the back of the photograph is the stamp of the photographer's studio, as well as a note reading, "Mary Church Terrell, 1940's."
A black and white photograph of the original photograph of Mary McLeod Bethune at work in her office in Thomas White Hall. Mrs. Bethune can be seen sitting at a desk with pen in hand, studying papers on her desk. There are chairs placed to the right of her and in front of the desk. There is window open at the right of the image. On the back wall can be seen a door and paintings. A wall unit has been built into the wall, which has trophies and books set on it. In the left corner of the room is a filing cabinet. The image is printed on Kodak paper. The photographer of the image is unknown.
A black and white image of Mary McLeod Bethune at work in her office. She is sitting at a desk which has numerous slots where papers have been organized. On top of the desk is a clock, a lamp which is lit, and a row of books which include a Bible and Webster's Dictionary. Wallpaper decorates the walls of the room. Hanging above the desk is a picture of Jesus Christ. Draperies cover the windows. To the left of the image is a mirror and vanity which reflects the contents of the room. On the back of the photograph is a statement by Harris & Ewing, publishers of the photograph.
A black and white image of Mary McLeod Bethune, left, shaking hands with President Harry S. Truman, right. Mrs. Bethune is wearing a dark-colored dress and a corsage. President Truman is wearing a three-piece suit. Observing the exchange is Congressman of Illinois William L. Dawson, who is standing next to Mary McLeod Bethune, and is wearing a three-button suit and a bow tie. Mrs. Mary Lord, United Nations representative, is standing just behind Dawson's shoulder. On the back of the image is the stamp of the photographer's studio, and is also written, "Mrs. Bethune, Congressman Wm. Dawson, Mrs. Mary Lord, U.N. Representative, Former president Harry S. Truman."
A black and white photograph of Mary McLeod Bethune, center, posing with the Davidsons, in front of a building on Bethune-Cookman College's campus. Mrs. Davidson is on the left of Mrs. Bethune, and Mr. Davidsons is on the right of her. The Davidsons were ancestors of Tippen Davidson, Jr. (1925-2007) who owned the "Daytona News Journal" paper. Mrs. Davidson is wearing a skirt, suit jacket, and hat. Mary McLeod Bethune is wearing a long dress and overcoat. Mr. Davidson is wearing a suit and tie. Behind them can be seen bushes and a trellis. On the back of the photograph is written, "Mr. and Mrs. Davidson (ancestors of the late ""Tippin"" Davison)." The photographer of the image is unknown.
A young Mary McLeod Bethune. Photo: Emory University
MMB speaks February 19, 1943
Civil rights activist and president and founder of Bethune Cookman College, ca.1920s. Photo by Chicago History Museum/Getty Images
Mary McLeod Bethune dedicated her life to promoting education and combating the debilitating effects of racism in America. Two of her major accomplishments— the founding of a school for young black girls, which in the early twenty-first century is one of the major historically black colleges and universities, and organizing the Council for Negro Women, now housed in its own building on Pennsylvania Avenue in the nation’s capital—have insured her place as one of the great leaders in black American history.
Born near Mayesville, South Carolina, on July 10, 1875, Mary Jane McLeod was the fifteenth of seventeen children born to Samuel and Patsy McLeod. Her parents were former slaves, and they wanted their children to receive an education. They also desired to be independent, so they worked hard and sacrificed to buy a farm for the family. As a child, Mary McLeod was eager to learn as much as she could. When the Mission Board of the Presbyterian Church opened a school for blacks four miles from her home, her parents registered her. Mary had to walk the eight miles each day, but she understood at an early age that education was the key to a better life for blacks. Her love of learning may also have had roots in an incident that occurred when she was a child. When the young white children at the home where her mother worked saw her pick up a book, they reproached her and told her books were not for blacks. Indeed, they believed blacks did not have the ability to read. This accusation made Mary even more determined to excel in school.
Mary McLeod did indeed stand out at the mission school, and she was given a scholarship to attend Scotia Seminary in North Carolina. She was then awarded a second scholarship to attend Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, where she also performed exceptionally well and completed the school’s two-year missionary training program. She was told, however, that there were no positions available for black missionaries in Africa. Though deeply disappointed, she returned to Mayesville and taught for one year in the mission school she had once attended. She then taught at Haines Institute in Augusta, Georgia, for one year, after which she went to Kendall Institute in Sumter, South Carolina, where she taught for two years.
Called to Florida
In 1898, while still at Kendall, she married Albertus Bethune. The couple left South Carolina and moved to Savannah, Georgia, where her husband had a new job. Their only son, Albert, was born in Savannah in 1899, the same year she got a teaching job at a mission school in Palatka, Florida. After settling in Florida with her family, Mary taught school and visited local prisons, where she read to the mostly illiterate inmates.
Feeling more could be done to help African-American girls, she resolved to start a school of her own. A minister in Palatka suggested that she considered going to Daytona Beach to found a school for the children of black railway workers, who were extending the Atlantic Coast Line into Florida. Though she knew nothing about Daytona Beach, she decided to give it a try. She arrived there in 1904, virtually penniless, and found a vacant house for her school. She used old boxes and crates for desks and chairs, and the Daytona Educational and Industrial Training School [for Negro Girls] opened for business in October 1904 with five young girls [and her son], a budget of one dollar and fifty cents, and a lot of prayers. In addition to teaching the domestic arts, such as cooking and sewing, the girls were taught the “three R’s” (reading, writing, and ar[i]thmetic).
Because of her tireless efforts, and the great educational needs among the blacks in Daytona Beach, within three years Bethune was able to relocate the school to a permanent facility, literally transforming what was a garbage dump into an institution of learning. In 1923 her school became coeducational when it merged with the then all-male Cookman Institute of Jacksonville, Florida. At the time of Bethune’s death in 1955, Bethune-Cook-man College had a faculty of 100 and an enrollment in excess of 1,000 young African-American men and women. In the first decade of the twenty-first century, it served some 3,000 students.
Following the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment in 1920, which gave women the right to vote, Bethune joined the Equal Suffrage League and taught at a night school, helping blacks learn how to read and write well enough to pass the literacy tests necessary to vote. This activity drew threats from the local Ku Klux Klan, but she stood her ground, and more than one hundred blacks voted in the next election. Her school’s library was, for a time, the only free library open to blacks in the state of Florida.
A National Figure
As Mary Bethune’s school grew in reputation and influence, she was called on to lend her support to several causes. She was elected to the National Urban League’s executive board in 1920, becoming its first female board member as well as its first black member. In 1935 she founded the National Council of Negro Women, an umbrella group of different black female organizations throughout the nation. She also served as the council’s first president. Because of the scope of her work, presidents of the United States, from Calvin Coolidge to Franklin D. Roosevelt, appointed her to several governmental positions, including Special Advisor on Minority Affairs, director of the Division of Negro Affairs of the National Youth Administration, and chair of the Federal Council on Negro Affairs. This last organization was known to many as the “Black Cabinet.” Bethune was one of the three black consultants to the United States delegation involved in crafting the United Nations Charter. She was a friend of President Roosevelt’s mother in the 1920s, and she later formed a close friendship with the president’s wife, Eleanor Roosevelt.
Mary McLeod Bethune became a revered figure in America and throughout the world. In 1935 she was the recipient of the NAACP’s highest honor, the Spingarn Award. She died of a heart attack on May 18, 1955. In l974 a statue was erected in her honor in Lincoln Park, in Washington, D.C., making her the first African American to be honored with a statue in a public park. Bethune’s portrait hangs in the State Capitol in Columbia, South Carolina, and a U.S. postage stamp bearing her likeness was issued in 1986.
Holt, Rackham. 1964. Mary McLeod Bethune: A Biography. Garden City, NY: Doubleday.
Long, Nancy Ann Zrinyi. 2004. The Life and Legacy of Mary McLeod Bethune. Cocoa Beach: Florida Historical Press.
Love, Carroll, ed. “Mary Jane McLeod Bethune.” 1984. In Salute to Historic Black Women. Chicago: Empak Publishing.
Reagon, Berinice. 1980. “Bethune, Mary Jane McLeod.” In Dictionary of American Negro Biography, 41–43. New York: Norton.
Sterne, Emma Gelders. 1957. Mary McLeod Bethune. Illustrated by Raymond Lufkin. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.
Russell Mootry Jr.
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