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Library Staff -Creating Lists from WMS

Creating a list of Resources in Call Number Order

1.  Use a SFTP client to navigate to the  OCLC  SFTP site and enter login credentials.

If you are using an open source SFTP client, you will need to navigate to your desired directory. (OCLC recommends Filezilla since it works with several operating systems.  WINSCP is another good program and works with Windows).

2 . Navigate to the root directory.

3. Click the xfer directory.

4. Select WMS>reports folder.

5.  Then select the latest  DBB CIRCULATION ITEM INVENTORIES  (Usually near the top of the list) (Updated each Sunday).

6. Note: this report is only available in TXT format  You can download the TXT file and then insert TXT file into a spreadsheet program.

The screenshot below is from WINSCP:

right side of WMS reports directory using WINSCP

Report/file features include:

1. Has both  Miller (DBBM)  and Swisher (DBBB)  resources (column B)

2.  The call number is in column F

3. Status (lost, withdrawn, on loan, available, etc.) is in column S. (You probably want to delete lost and withdrawn from your report but probably keep missing since missing  books may only be misshelved and not really missing)

(4. Column C  has the permanent shelving location, so it can also be used to create a list of all reserve books, etc. You probably also want to look at  Column D Temporary Location since sometimes Reserve books do not always have both a  Permanent and Temporary Location.)

5. List can be arranged by call number (column F) when editing is finished.

 (Sometimes for call numbers for Reserve books you will just see numbers and not the course code as well. This happened because during cataloging/processing the course code was added  as a call number prefix.. It needs to be added as the first part of the call number itself, not as a call number prefix.)

To be able to sort  and edit list you may need to