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Business Resources: Social Media

Social Media

Social media research is invaluable for a complete piece of the business information puzzle.   Mashable is the go to resource for  the top social media news on topics like Facebook, YouTube, Gmail, Twitter, Amazon, Pinterest and more.


 Although social media sources are in real time,  information found on these resources is not authoratative, but should be considered in making decisions.

Featured TED ( Technology, Entertainment, Design) Talk: Elon Musk on the future and why he is boring



Twitter is a great tool for communication. Not only is it an essential part of many companies' social media plans, but it is also a great way for students to network with professionals in their chosen fields.

Sites for Networking & Collaboration

Google+  - The Hangouts feature offers new opportunities for virtual collaboration.

LinkedIn - Great for networking, job searches, and collaboration.  - "A platform for academics to share and follow research."

Pinterest - A tool for online bookmarking, self-curating, and sharing content with colleagues.

Tumblr - See this article for a quick guide on using Tumblr in business.