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Faculty Profiles: White, Headley J, Jr.

This guide provides information on Bethune-Cookman University faculty, including their research interests, accomplishments and activities, and brief biographical details.

Dr. Headley J. White, Jr.

Dr. Headley White, Jr

Associate Professor of Education, School of Education

Office Location: 222 Kottle Building

Phone: (386) 481-2352
M.S., Exceptional Student Education, Bethune-Cookman Education, May 2020
Ph.D., Curriculum & Instruction, Social Studies Education, Florida State University, August 2006
M.A.S.S., Florida Agricultural & Mechanical University, April 2000
B. S., Florida Agricultural & Mechanical University, December 1997

Brief Biographical Sketch

Dr. Headley J. White, Jr. wrote and successfully defended his unpublished dissertation, “The Effects of Desegregation on Gadsden County, Florida Public Schools, 1968-1972” in 2006.  Dr. White is a former middle and high school instructor of Social Studies in three Florida counties – Broward, Gadsden and Miami-Dade - and has had teaching stints, either as an adjunct (adj.) or Assistant Professor, at Florida A&M University (adj.), Florida Memorial University (adj.), Florida State University (adj.), and Thomas University where he was an Assistant Professor of Education as well as an advisor to Kappa Delta Pi Education Honor Society. He was an Associate Instructor in Social Science Education in the School of Teacher Education at Florida State University.

Research Interests

  • Black Educators in the Public School System
  • Black Male Educators
  • Cultural Competency
  • Social Justice in Curricula


“Your Exceptionalities didn’t stop because you graduated from High School”
Presented Florida Council for Exceptional Children, October 15, 2019, Daytona Beach, Florida
“Chasing the Unicorn- recruiting and retaining Black Male Educators”
Presented -2nd annual DIRECTO Conference on diversity and Inclusion- September 27, 2019, FSU, Tallahassee, Florida
“Navigating Online Educational Resources”
Parent Workshop Co-Presenter, Black Male Explorers November 16, 2018, Orlando, Florida
“Putting Context at the center of Teaching and Learning”
Workshop Co-Presenter (SRATE FATE) October 2018, Panama City Beach, FL (Cancelled)
Workshop Co-Presenter AACTE Conference March 2, 2018, Baltimore, Maryland
“The Elephant in the room: Social Justice and Unaddressed Trauma in the Black, Brown and Yes, Enforcement Communities”
Workshop Co-Presenter, Educational Justice Conference June 26, 2018
“Paths to Black Male Achievement”
Workshop Presenter, Educational Justice Conference, July 13, 2015
“Transforming Hip Hop: From the Bronx to the White House”
Workshop Co-Presenter, National Council of Social Studies Conference, November 24, 2013
University of Central Florida/ Florida Council for the Social Studies Colloquium
Panelist, Florida Council for the Social Studies, October 25, 2013
“Issue with Tolerance”
Presenter, National Association of African American Studies & Affiliates, February 11, 2013
“Eleanor Roosevelt, First Lady Extraordinaire”
Co-Presenter, Florida Council of Social Studies Annual Conference, October 23, 2010
“Implementation of Technology such as a Interdisciplinary Scaffolding Technique through the use of Google products”
Florida Developmental Education Association Daytona Beach February 2010
“Creating Stellar History Fair Presentations: A Judge’s View”
Presenter, National Council of Social Studies Annual Conference, November 14th, 2009
“Implementation of Technology such as Google Lit Maps as a Interdisciplinary Scaffolding Technique”
Co-Presenter, International Society for the Social Studies Annual Conference, February 27th , 2009
“Navigating the Caribbean: Activities & Strategies to Spark Student Reading”
Co-Presenter, Florida Reading Association 43rd Annual Conference, October 21st, 2005
“Columbus on Trial”
Guest Lecturer, Teaching Social Studies in Secondary Schools, FSU, Spring 2005