“Your Exceptionalities didn’t stop because you graduated from High School”
Presented Florida Council for Exceptional Children, October 15, 2019, Daytona Beach, Florida
“Chasing the Unicorn- recruiting and retaining Black Male Educators”
Presented -2nd annual DIRECTO Conference on diversity and Inclusion- September 27, 2019, FSU, Tallahassee, Florida
“Navigating Online Educational Resources”
Parent Workshop Co-Presenter, Black Male Explorers November 16, 2018, Orlando, Florida
“Putting Context at the center of Teaching and Learning”
Workshop Co-Presenter (SRATE FATE) October 2018, Panama City Beach, FL (Cancelled)
Workshop Co-Presenter AACTE Conference March 2, 2018, Baltimore, Maryland
“The Elephant in the room: Social Justice and Unaddressed Trauma in the Black, Brown and Yes, Enforcement Communities”
Workshop Co-Presenter, Educational Justice Conference June 26, 2018
“Paths to Black Male Achievement”
Workshop Presenter, Educational Justice Conference, July 13, 2015
“Transforming Hip Hop: From the Bronx to the White House”
Workshop Co-Presenter, National Council of Social Studies Conference, November 24, 2013
University of Central Florida/ Florida Council for the Social Studies Colloquium
Panelist, Florida Council for the Social Studies, October 25, 2013
“Issue with Tolerance”
Presenter, National Association of African American Studies & Affiliates, February 11, 2013
“Eleanor Roosevelt, First Lady Extraordinaire”
Co-Presenter, Florida Council of Social Studies Annual Conference, October 23, 2010
“Implementation of Technology such as a Interdisciplinary Scaffolding Technique through the use of Google products”
Florida Developmental Education Association Daytona Beach February 2010
“Creating Stellar History Fair Presentations: A Judge’s View”
Presenter, National Council of Social Studies Annual Conference, November 14th, 2009
“Implementation of Technology such as Google Lit Maps as a Interdisciplinary Scaffolding Technique”
Co-Presenter, International Society for the Social Studies Annual Conference, February 27th , 2009
“Navigating the Caribbean: Activities & Strategies to Spark Student Reading”
Co-Presenter, Florida Reading Association 43rd Annual Conference, October 21st, 2005
“Columbus on Trial”
Guest Lecturer, Teaching Social Studies in Secondary Schools, FSU, Spring 2005